Meta Cadence Updates

Role: Leader, Strategist

As the Learning Content Manager at Meta, one of the first opportunities I noticed was severely outdated content on our educational site. Overall, the content had gone 18 months or more without review or updates. I set a bar for 2023, of twice annual updates to all of our learning content. To accomplish this, we needed to review/update/deprecate over 600+ content objects in 2022. The first step was to analyze the performance of all the eLearn content and prioritize and organize content waves. Once we have identified the content priorities we took a "software developer's" approach to weekly sprints and resource shuffling to make sure we could demonstrate regular progress and meet a Dec 15th deadline to have all content updated to start 2023 fresh.

Results: All 3 waves and an additional .5 wave of some missed but essential content were updated and localized by Dec 1.

The Leadership lessons in this work were...

  1. Content updates have to be part of the content creation process

  2. Content updates need to have equal priority on a content roadmap

  3. Content updates need to be resourced all the way through activation